Saturday, January 14, 2012

Winter Training.2012

Intense Training And Mental Game.

So, I feel that this is so important that is worth posting this quote and keeping it close by me all the time during these winter months.

Adversity causes some men to break; other to break records.”

William Arthur Ward

There is a fine line between hitting the next level and crumbling under the pressure. It is easy to get caught up in the emotions of giving your all and you find yourself physically and psychologically exhausted from intense training. I find that I can lose sight of my goals when training gets especially tough. It becomes much harder to see the light at the end of the tunnel and realize that what you are experiencing is not self-inflicted punishment, but a journey with yourself to find what you are capable of.

Sitting in front of a computer screen and writing about my goals, training ideas, workouts to test myself with, everything seems manageable. When I am lost in the pain or frustration of a workout or when I fail at something, I can lose track of why I am training in the first place. It can feel too overwhelming. At that moment I have a choice to keep going, or let the emotions win and quit right then and there.

There is a feeling I get when I decide to ignore the part of me that is hurting or feeling sorry for myself. There is something that shifts inside and I no longer care about the discomfort. Those moments when I can find the mental strength to continue are when I discover things I never knew I could do. Those moments are why I love being an athlete.

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1 comment:

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