Monday, May 17, 2010

Fox River Grove Criterium - Attack , Fast Downhill, Chase, Chase -- Go Go Go

Fox River Grove - 2nd Place Finish Cat3/4.

Warm, sunny 70's and a slight breeze. It was a beautiful day at Fox River Grove. My ITB was giving me problems all week. I thought it was my knee. So, I decided not to race LaRue Denzer RR which is one of my favorite road races of the year. Came Sunday, I was all geared up for Fox River Grove and that challenge of a climb. I had won the 3/4's last year. This year, 15 women lined up, a bit more than last year.

Race started, I remembered what I did last year. I took the first few climbs easy. A few women went off the front and attacked on the climb. It didn't concern me. I knew that they would be tired after the 3rd lap or so. As the race went on, I was chasing Stacy as hard as I could.

Last lap, "I looked back. No riders coming. I saw Stacey ahead. I was chasing her as hard as I could. I hit the climb. my legs where burning. Push, push push. Close that gap! Go Go Go. That was the only way I would catch up was on the climb. I wasn't closing the gap. Stacey held a nice gap all the way downhill. " As soon as I got to the downhill, I sat back in saddle and raced as fast as I could down. I made some progress. I could see Stacey ahead. I pushed harder and thought maybe, just maybe. Instead of breaking into the corner, I finally just LET GO and took the corners! I was happy. I finished strong all the way to the finish line and took 2nd place.

But Wait.... there's more. Teammates Leah, Molly and Kristen where on there way to race the Open. I was tired but thinking it's great training for snake alley. What the heck! 2nd race, women Open. We raced with the masters men. I was feeling tired but the fire inside me to keep going and fight for it was strong. Right from the gun, Jessie , Stacey, and Kristen hit it up the climb with the men. I stayed half way up and then lost it as I hit the false flat towards the top. I had burned way to much in the 3/4 race. So I decided to hold steady and keep my endurance pace up.

During the race,
some riders got tired after 3 laps, some picked up the pace and took it steady like I was and just paced to the end. That is what I did. I finished 6th Place. Not bad for my 2nd race of the day!

Congratulations to team mate Kristen taking 3rd and Leah, congrats to you for holding it steady and strong. Molly and Josh thank you for your cheers as we suffered on that climb!

Podium Pictures to follow....

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